New Fungible Token

Create Freely, Mint Fairly, Pump Fiercely. The Best AI-Driven NFT Platform for Creators and Communities!


New Fungible Token aka NTT is an advanced NFT creation and trading platform enabling users to easily create, trade, and launch NFTs. With a future focus on introducing the NFT PUMP Mode, New Fungible Token aims to build a fair and transparent NFT trading ecosystem.

Why Choose NTT?

AI-Powered NFT Creation
NTT takes NFT creation to a new level by using cutting-edge AI technology, empowering everyone to create unique NFTs effortlessly.

All-in-One NFT Platform
NTT is a comprehensive platform that covers every aspect of the NFT journey

Design your NFT with AI tools or manually upload your artwork for custom creations.


Buy and sell NFTs seamlessly, supporting ERC721 and ERC404 standards.


Mint NFTs directly on the Ethereum mainnet or leverage fair minting for a community-first distribution.


NTT supports multiple standards for NFT minting, including ERC721, ERC404, and future ERC9381.



Inspired by the success of, NTT will introduce NFT PUMP Mode

Fair & Automatic PUMP

Users can easily create an ERC404 NFT on the internal platform. Once the trading volume hits a set threshold, the NFT is automatically launched on Ethereum, and a liquidity pool (LP) is established for trading.

Dynamic Pricing

The price of each NFT increases as more are bought, following a bonding curve model.


Phase 1
Building the Foundation
  • Empowering Creators: Launch AI-powered tools to simplify NFT creation for everyone.
  • NFT Compatibility: Ensure seamless support for leading NFT standards, enabling minting and trading.
  • Introducing $NTT: Release the platform's native token, fueling the ecosystem.


Phase 2
Accelerating Growth
  • Dynamic NFT Launches: Introduce "NFT PUMP Mode," featuring dynamic, bonding curve-based NFT releases.
  • Early Trading: Establish a pre-mint market with NFT/ETH liquidity pools, enabling internal trading before Ethereum mainnet launch.
  • Building Buzz: Execute a comprehensive marketing campaign to boost platform visibility and attract new users.
  • Rewarding Pioneers: Implement community rewards programs to incentivize early adopters and active participants.


Phase 3
Scaling Up
  • Efficiency Boost: Implement the ERC9381 protocol to significantly reduce gas fees and enhance overall platform efficiency.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Launch a dedicated mobile app, making the platform accessible to a wider audience.
  • Exclusive Collections: Partner with renowned creators to launch unique and exclusive NFT collections.


Phase 4
Expanding Horizons
  • Strategic Alliances: Forge partnerships with leading NFT platforms to broaden the ecosystem's reach.
  • Cross-Chain Connectivity: Introduce multi-chain support, enabling seamless NFT transactions across different blockchains.
  • Global Outreach: Engage with creators worldwide through strategic partnerships and international events.


Copyright @ 2024 New Fungible Token